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differential hybrid parafeed headphone amplifier

Tweak #4: Tube CCS (Constant Current Supply)

ECP Audio designed improved Constant Current Supplies (CCS) for the Torpedo III. They are meant to take the place of IC1 and IC2 for improved performance of the Torpedo III.

Because of the nature of the surface-mount design, these are only available in finished/tested form and in pairs from Simply install them on the "k" and "a" pads where you would've soldered IC1 and IC2. We recommend that you install them on the bottom of the PCB, flush and out of the way as shown below. Note that the TubeCCS SMD boards only have pads for "k" and "a," but there were three pads for IC1 and IC2. The photo below identifies which pads to use for the TubeCCS boards. Simply use a spent resistor lead to connect the "k" and "a" pads with the proper pads on the PCB.

Hint: it helps if you put a 90 degree bend in the leads for "k" and "a" on the top of the TubeCCS boards. This will prevent the lead from falling all the way through before you can solder it. Simply trim the bent over portion when you are done. There are no pads on the bottom of the T3 PCB to conflict or possibly short out on the TubeCCS pads. If you see some pads in the way, you do not have the TubeCCS boards located correctly! Please study the photos:

If you note in the photo above, the Tube CCS boards are not exactly flush with the PCB. This is because the trimmed lead of resistors R17 and R18 are still poking throught the PCB underneath the Tube CCS boards. These resistors are not needed once you've removed IC1 and IC2 and you are installing the Tube CCS boards. So, you may remove them if you wish as shown in the diagram below. This will allow you to install the Tube CCS boards completely flush with the bottom of the PCB.

Note, however, that removal of these resistors is not absolutely required. However, they are not used once the Tube CCS boards are installed.

Note: these PCBs are broken apart into tiny individual PCBs from the manufacturer. As a result, there are sprues/flashing sticking out in the middle of all four sides of the tiny boards. These will not affect the function. Neither will they get in the way if you solder them flush on the bottom of the PCB as recommended. If you're a stickler for appearances, however, feel free to sand the sprues away flush to the edges of the boards.

file last changed:Monday, May 27, 2024 12:30:19 PM
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