The Millett Hybrid MiniMAX
Bill of Materials
Please note latest BOM changes for production boards in the list below ...
Millett MiniMAX Bill of Materials (right-click to download the files):
Important Facts to Consider for the MiniMAX
The Millett Hybrid MiniMAX PCB design by cetoole optimizes the smallest available space for the complete circuit of the Millett Hybrid MAX design. There are no penalties taken in any part of the circuit and as you have perhaps read on this website, the power supply is greatly improved to that consistent with some of the best low-noise linear-regulated power supplies on the market. There is one exception to this premise, however: SIZE. Quite simply, there are some parts that will not fit, or not fit with the use of the custom Lansing case:
- The height of ALL parts are restricted to 1" or 25mm above the surface of the PCB. This is a hard-limit with the custom Lansing case, there is no room for squeaking by another 1/16" or so.
- While the CA8 output bypass positions (for CA7) have been lengthened considerably, there is a small distance between the CA7 capacitor and the headphone jack on the left side and the volume pot on the right side. Because of this, even caps shorter than the 1" height restriction may not fit. For instance, the 0.22uf K42's on beezar.com are too thick to fit between CA7 and the volume pot (the 0.1uf K42's fit fine). On the other hand, the 0.22uf Vitamin Q's are too tall - even if installed in a "leaning tombstone." (the 0.18uf VitQ's fit fine) This restriction is a PCB limitation and does not depend on the choice of case.
Bottom line, please follow the parts recommendations closely. If you deviate, make certain you have checked the dimensions and that you have selected a part that will fit. Despite these admonitions, there are many, many parts that will fit and beezar.com will always endeavor to have a selection of those available. |