PCBs & Parts: Beezar
Kits: GlassJarAudio
The TooleAudio BantamDAC

Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials for Building the BantamDAC!
(WMV files)

1. Tools & Setup

2. PCM Soldering - Part 1

3. PCM Soldering - Part 2

4. 3.3V TPS Regulator

5. 4.75V TPS Regulator

6. SMD Caps - Part 1

7. SMD Caps - Part 2

8. Topside Ferrites

9. PCB Bottom

10. SMD Cleanup

11. Crystal Installation

12. SuperLow ESR Cap

13. PCB Finished

file last changed:Monday, May 27, 2024 12:22:19 PM
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